Thursday, September 5, 2013


Next month will be the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. I've been excited to share with all of you an amazing organization I've been volunteering with called CARE For Sandy over the last year.

"CARE stands for Cherished Albums Restoration Effort. Our mission is simple: to offer free digital restoration services for individuals and families whose photos have been damaged by October 2012's devastating hurricane."

Retouching is one of my many passions and even though I don't blog about it specifically, it has grown to be such a vital part of my photography. When I first heard about this organization, I was so incredibly excited and very eager to volunteer.

My husband and I were driving back from a wedding upstate when we got word of the storm headed our way. To be safe, we decided to stay at my in-laws instead of attempting to travel back to Brooklyn before the storm hit. A few days at my in-laws turned into an entire week as mass transit in NYC was left crippled by Sandy. We couldn't get home even if we tried. We felt so helpless that we couldn't volunteer in any sort of relief efforts within our community that whole week.

That's when I came across the CARE For Sandy website. This was a PERFECT way for me to volunteer my time and unique abilities - a special way to contribute as many families had their precious photographs ruined by Sandy. I encourage everyone to head over to the CARE For Sandy website and check out all the awesome things they are doing. And hey, if you are a retoucher, I encourage you even more to volunteer! Below are 2 images I restored for two different, very grateful families. I'm planning to adopt more images to work on - and maybe I will share some more of my "day job" work on the blog soon!

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